If you want to find as many adventures as you can find, Amouri is the place for you. You can look for the tunnels or listen to old stories. The beautiful nature full of exciting wildlife - wherever you go, the village life will offer a lot of exciting opportunities for your adventurous heart.

3000 BC

Lamia and the valley where Amouri is located changed many hands during history. Archaeological excavations have shown the site of Lamia and the valley that the village of Amouri is located to have been inhabited since at least the Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC).

This means humans have lived in this area continuously for at least 3-5 thousands of years. Amouri was the location of a thriving culture that vanished due to a big flood and these early inhabitants had to relocate to save themselves after the flood. There are indications of various floods if you carefully examine the land mass.

Older generations remember their ancestors talking about lost cities and civilizations been buried under the mud of Sperchios River. For sure this was not Atlantis but it was small local civilizations that were never excavated properly.


Follow the rumors and craft your adventure to Amouri. You can visit the village and hike around the village or go to the river to cross the other side like the vagabonds who used this area to hide. You can try your luck to see if any of the ancient remains are picking at you.